Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mundial (World Cup)

The World Cup. To most Americans, this name has little to no meaning. To the rest of the world, this is THE competition. No one other sport is played and loved as much as football, soccer, futbol, etc. I did not come to enjoy this sport until I lived in Latin American where futbol is life. I know few Peruvians who did not dream of being a professional soccer player growing up.

Since there are very few who watch this competition in the US, I have found it difficult to enjoy one of the best parts of futbol watching in Latin America: community. During the last World Cup, I lived in Connecticut. I spent most of my work break in the lounge catching bits and pieces of the games and always kept the play by play on the computer. Needless to say, I was mainly unaccompanied watching the games and mainly conversed with a Spanish man about the happenings.

This World Cup is different. I am in Indiana and work mostly at night. I will probably watch the games during the day at home, alone. I may get to watch with a friend or two over the weekends.

I long to be in South America where the World Cup is watched communally. To be in a room stuffed with people, to eat too much food, and celebrate together would make this experience a thousand times better. I am hoping to find others with international tastes with which to watch this magnificent event.